OGAMESPACE is a space strategy game with hundreds of players playing together at the same time trying to be the best. Everything what you need to the play is a Standard Browser.
Enemies are attacking your planets. Call them stop and be the ruler of the Universe.
OgameSpace - NEMESIS Evreni Açılıyor.
NEMESIS Evreni 15 Mart 2024 Cuma Saat: 20:00'da açılıyor.
Kayıtlar Açılış Saati Aktif Olacaktır.
Bulunduğunuz evrende çeşitli etkinlikler sayesinde gelişecek ve filo sahibi olup düşmanlarınıza diz çöktürebileceksiniz.
Evrenin hakimi olmaya hazırmısınız? NEMESIS Evreninin açılışına tüm ogame seven arkadaşları bekliyoruz.
Oyun Hızları
- Üretim Hızı: x150.000
- Filo Hızı: x4
- Oyun Hızı: x10.000
- 9 Galaksi 400 Sistem
Oyun Açılış Tarihi :
14 Nisan 2023 Cuma
Saat : 20:00
Oyun Hızı : 5000x
Filo Hızı : 5x
Üretim Hızı : 50000x
Without affecting your daily life, you can easily follow your fleet wherever you go. OGAMESPACE is a mobile compatible game that you can play easily from your mobile phones.
Ogame, is a free space strategy game which is played via internet connection via browser and does not require any special installation. The game is based on war, oil, trade and diplomacy.
Fast Ogame is a game that increases the speed of the game and the speed of the fleet flight according to the normal game.
You are a fast-paced ogame game where you can quickly develop through various activities in the universe you are in.
As soon as you start the game, your Building and Research tiers will be upgraded to a certain level in a way that you can improve quickly.
The production time in your fleet and defense is zero (0). You can enlarge your fleet by taking advantage of various activities during the game.
A lot of events will be organized during the game, including the Auctions and the Flag. Thanks to these activities you can earn Dark Matter and Fleet.